Month: November 2012

the strong lion

Ethiopia suffers an alarmingly high rate of marriages by abduction (some estimates say 70 percent of marriages happen this way). Earlier this year, seven men abducted a 12-year-old girl, beating her and intending to force her to marry one of them. She somehow escaped, and when the men tracked her down they discovered serious trouble. Several lions had gathered round the girl, chasing off her abusers and protecting her for half a day. The police said, “[The lions] stood guard until we found her and then just left her like a gift and went back into the forest.”

laughing gas

Normally I dread having dental work done. But a recent trip to the dentist to repair a fractured tooth may have permanently changed my attitude.

beaten, but not defeated

Police checkpoints dot the roads throughout Uganda, making random motorist inspections unavoidable. Usually the officers are ensuring that drivers have insurance and valid driving permits. In some cases, however, the police bring false charges against motorists to get bribes in return for letting them go.

you choose Q: what can we do on the Lord's Day (Sunday)?

Q: Can we attend interviews or exams on the Lord’s Day?  —Samuel

A: The Christian church came into existence during a time when the Gentile world did not recognize a day of rest or worship. Pagans observed holidays and times of religious celebration, but they had no weekly day of rest or worship. Consequently, Christians in the Roman Empire had to…

the ultimate question

Fred Meijer was one of the wealthiest men in the world. His Meijer stores were the first to combine food and general merchandise under one roof. When he died his fortune put him in select company. But he wore his wealth lightly, often dropping by his shops and revealing a kind heart as he greeted customers, passed out coupons for free ice cream and even bagged shopping.

you choose Q: how do I deal with job loss?

Q: There are many people who are looking for a job and are frustrated with the way our economy has changed in the past few years. What is some Bible-based advice for these situations?  —Gerald

A: Many people are struggling to make sense of today’s transitional work world. Any time there is a change in an organization—new leadership, merger, acquisition, downturn…

very superstitious?

Many professional footballers have pre-game rituals that they believe will help them stay focused and bring them luck during their games. A player for a football team had a superstition that literally reeked. The player slept the night before games in a university T-shirt he hadn’t washed in 11 years. When asked about sleeping in the dirty T-shirt, he replied: “It’s got rips and stuff, but I’m not going to change what I do.” While this pre-game ritual and others may seem benign, fun, quirky, and harmless, superstitions can easily morph into a value system that is built on unstable foundations.

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